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Pathfinder Services of ND's archived webinars are available to view here at any time. We feature in-depth webinars on several topics, as well as our Shortcuts series of webinars under 10 minutes in length.

Pathfinder Services of ND's archived webinars are available to view here at any time. We feature in-depth webinars on several topics, as well as our Shortcuts series of webinars under 10 minutes in length.

17 Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

17 Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

17 Services is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut will give you a brief overview of the areas of service in the Early Intervention program.
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Advocating in the Early Years

Advocating in the Early Years
Pathfinder Services of ND

The early years of your child's life are a crucial time for learning and growing. As a parent you play a key role in ensuring that your child receives the support and services that are the most appropriate for your child and your family. This webinar is designed to help you understand the essential steps to healthy advocacy during this time.
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Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Part 1: The Bricks and Mortar of the IEP Process

Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Part 1: The Bricks and Mortar of the IEP Process
Pathfinder Services of ND

Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a two part webinar series for parents and professionals who are participating in the IEP planning process. This webinar series will provide the basic tools to build an IEP that will ensure that an individual with a disability will have an appropriate educational program to accommodate their unique needs. Part 1, The Bricks and Mortar of the IEP Process, will provide parents and professionals information relating to key IEP timelines, the qualifications of individuals required to attend the IEP meeting, and ideas to assist in getting ready for the IEP meeting.
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Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Part 2: Individualized Education Program (IEP): The Blueprint

Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Part 2: Individualized Education Program (IEP): The Blueprint
Pathfinder Services of ND

Building an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a two part webinar series for parents and professionals who are participating in the IEP planning process. This webinar series will provide the basic tools to build an IEP that will ensure that an individual with a disability will have an appropriate educational program to accommodate their unique needs. Part 2, Individualized Education Program (IEP): The Blueprint, provides an overview of the purposes of the IEP planning process, including a description of the main components of a comprehensive IEP.
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Choosing Classes Webinar

Choosing Classes Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

The Choosing Classes webpage helps students and their families to better understand statewide classes being offered in ND schools and to help them plan out their academic year and hopefully guide them to their career goals and life after high school.
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Collaborations and Connections

Collaborations and Connections
Pathfinder Services of ND

Working as a team can bring great success in both academic and life planning. When work and planning can be accomplished as a group, everybody wins! This Drop Out Prevention workshop is geared to youth and parents focusing on the importance of planning as a team, making the right connections, and maintaining strong relationships throughout the years.
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Compensatory Education Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Compensatory Education Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Compensatory Education Services is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut will give you a brief overview of Compensatory Education Services and why they are important.
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Creating Stronger Partnerships through Dispute Resolution

Creating Stronger Partnerships through Dispute Resolution
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar provides a review of the importance of positive and productive communication skills in building strong partnerships. Participants will be presented an overview of each of the formal dispute resolution options available through the IDEA; focusing on the benefits of each option and the process to request the dispute resolution option in ND.
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Early Intervention - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Early Intervention - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Early Intervention is the first in our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This Shortcut will cover the eight steps in the Early Intervention process.
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Early Intervention Process in ND

Early Intervention Process in ND
Pathfinder Services of ND

Are you aware that there are 8 steps in the early intervention process? Do you know what should happen before a meeting or what the timelines are for services? In this webinar, we will go over the importance of each step that is involved in the early intervention process.
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Early Intervention: 7 Acronyms & 9 Key Terms

Early Intervention: 7 Acronyms & 9 Key Terms
Pathfinder Services of ND

Are you starting your journey through early intervention? Parents and Professionals can gain a better understanding of the terms and acronyms used in early intervention. This webinar will help lay out the terms and acronyms most commonly used while also offering a description of each.
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Early Intervention: Screenings, Evaluations, Assessments and Individualized Family Service Plans

Early Intervention: Screenings, Evaluations, Assessments and Individualized Family Service Plans
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar will identify and discuss the importance of the process that is followed to evaluate and assess children. We will then learn about the Individualized Family Service Plan, the team members involved, and how each one has an important role to setting up the plan for the family.
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Extended School Year Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Extended School Year Services - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Extended School Year Services is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut provides you with basic information regarding ESY services for students who receive special education services during the regular school year.
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FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

FAPE (Free and Appropriate Public Education) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

FAPE is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut will give you a brief overview of Free and Appropriate Public Education.
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IEP vs 504 - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

IEP vs 504 - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

IEP vs 504 is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This Shortcut will give you a brief overview of the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP.
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Individualized Education Program (IEP) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Individualized Education Program (IEP) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Individualized Education Program (IEP) is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut is a quick overview of the Individualized Education Program (IEP).
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Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This Shortcut will cover the steps in the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) process and lists additional resources to help you in your journey.
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Online Communication Methods and Etiquette

Online Communication Methods and Etiquette
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar provides an overview of how to be responsible online. Topics covered include: what are the Staples of online etiquette, what are important considerations when you are using online platforms for communication, and how to stay safe.
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Organization is Key

Organization is Key
Pathfinder Services of ND

Creating schedules and being organized are two key elements in successful executive functioning skills. This Drop Out Prevention workshop is geared towards youth and their parents and will offer information on the importance of schedules and different ways to become organized to help students to be successful.
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Section 504 - The Journey Part 1: Intro & History

Section 504 - The Journey Part 1: Intro & History
Pathfinder Services of ND

Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) has developed a five-part series focusing on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This series, Section 504 - The Journey, was developed to provide parents and professionals an overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Part 1 begins with a brief history of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
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Section 504 - The Journey Part 2: Section 504 Disability Defined

Section 504 - The Journey Part 2: Section 504 Disability Defined
Pathfinder Services of ND

Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) has developed a five-part series focusing on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This series, Section 504 - The Journey, was developed to provide parents and professionals an overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. To begin the identification process for a disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, it is key to understand the meaning of disability under Section 504. Part 2 of the series covers various disability definitions in Section 504.
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Section 504 - The Journey Part 3: Evaluation & Identification

Section 504 - The Journey Part 3: Evaluation & Identification
Pathfinder Services of ND

Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) has developed a five-part series focusing on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This series, Section 504 - The Journey, was developed to provide parents and professionals an overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Part 3 of the series covers the evaluation and identification process.
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Section 504 - The Journey Part 4: Section 504 Plan

Section 504 - The Journey Part 4: Section 504 Plan
Pathfinder Services of ND

Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) has developed a five-part series focusing on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This series, Section 504 - The Journey, was developed to provide parents and professionals an overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Part 4 of the series covers developing a Section 504 plan.
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Section 504 - The Journey Part 5: Procedural Requirements and Safeguards

Section 504 - The Journey Part 5: Procedural Requirements and Safeguards
Pathfinder Services of ND

Pathfinder Services of ND (PSND) has developed a five-part series focusing on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This series, Section 504 - The Journey, was developed to provide parents and professionals an overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Schools receiving Federal financial assistance must have requirements in place to address Section 504 procedural requirements and safeguards, which are discussed in part 5 of the series.
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Special Education - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Special Education - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Special Education is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This Shortcut will cover the steps in the Special Education process and lists additional resources to help you in your journey.
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Student Led Individualized Education Program

Student Led Individualized Education Program
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar provides an overview of how students with disabilities can become more involved in the their education with a Student Led Individualized Education Program, or SLIEP.
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Teens Using Social Media - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Teens Using Social Media - Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar
Pathfinder Services of ND

Teens Using Social Media is part of our Pathfinder Shortcuts webinar series. The webinars in this series are designed to be short (under 10 minutes) overviews of different topics for those who want an introduction to a topic, a summary of important details, or a quick refresher. This PSND Shortcut will give you some ideas of how to help guide your children when they use social media.
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The Top 10 Basics of the Special Education Process

The Top 10 Basics of the Special Education Process
Pathfinder Services of ND

Are you are a parent or an educator new to the special education process implemented in ND schools? This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the basic steps in the special education process from referral to IEP review.
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The Why, What and How of the Special Education Evaluation Process, Part 1

The Why, What and How of the Special Education Evaluation Process, Part 1
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar focuses on the location, identification and referral of a child identified as possibly needing special education and related services. Information in this webinar will also focus on the key requirements of a special education evaluation. These key requirements are based on the regulations found within the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA.
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The Why, What and How of the Special Education Evaluation Process, Part 2

The Why, What and How of the Special Education Evaluation Process, Part 2
Pathfinder Services of ND

This webinar focuses on the ND Department of Public Instruction, NDDPI, special education evaluation process that incorporates the IDEA requirements addressed in Part 1. The components within this process include the Student Profile: Evaluation, Assessment Plan and the Integrated Written Assessment Report. In addition to providing information relating to each of these evaluation components, we will provide basic information regarding Reevaluation and the Independent Educational Evaluation.
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Triggers and Cues

Triggers and Cues
Pathfinder Services of ND

Being able to identify what triggers emotional reactions is the first step in learning how to manage them. This workshop geared towards youth and parents will walk through what triggers are, how to discover triggers and then how to manage emotions when triggered. Cues will be defined, explored and strategies for successful de-escalation will be discussed.
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